• 1991

    WARDS registered under Societies Act of Karnataka with broad objectives enshrined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association in our by-laws.

    • 1992 - 1998

    The project of serving the disabled persons started in a rent-free building provided by the then patron–in–chief Mr. Munivenkata Reddy in the old airport road near Rajeshwari theatre. WARDS steadily started growing with only adult boys by imparting vocational training in making –candles, Chalk pieces, files and assembly jobs, acquired from NGEF factory which was supplying regular job-orders to our boys. We were existing only with income derived from job-orders which was sufficient for running the centre. However, the NGEF factory was closed down and we had to shift our training strategy from work to different training methodology. We were also forced to vacate this building by the owner in the year 1998, which was a testing time for WARDS.

    • 1998 – 2000

    The IGSSS funding agency was supporting us financially, particularly to meet the salary of staff, and subsequently to meet the rent for a small building fwhere we continued to operate our services.

    • 2001

    Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) allotted us civic amenity site measuring 10000sft at 10th Main road, Jeevan Bima Nagar after a long struggle of 6 years of persuasion for the site. A temporary shed was erected on this site and we started admitting girls along with boys since we had sufficient place for boys and girls.

    • 2002

    Initiation of Outreach programme for other disabled children studying in Government Schools under CBR programme

    Initiation of Home bound programme for bedridden children.

    • 2004

    Initiation of Short term counselling for visually impaired youths.

    • 2005 – 2013

    Initiation of Various other programs like Physiotherapy, speech therapy, music therapy, dance, yoga, and sports training.

    • 2010

    To support various services WARDS started developing its infrastructure by constructing a new building named after Helen Keller in its premises. Ms Maria of Gauri Ganesha Trust came forward to help us complete a large hall for classroom and a small room for therapy.

    • 2015

    One more floor was raised with vocational section, office space and a classroom above the Helen Keller Hall.

    • 2017-2018

    The old shed no longer could serve any purpose due to leaky roof and weak walls. With the growing needs of the organisation, the management decided to construct a new building with Ground floor consisting of dining hall, kitchen and office and First floor consisting of classrooms, Staff Room, Resource Room and an Auditorium. The construction commenced on March 6, 2017. With immense struggle for finances and many obstacles we completed the construction on June 28, 2018 with the help from various philanthropists, volunteers, board members and various donors. The new building was inaugurated by Dr. Mohan Manghnani, Chairman of New Horizon Group of Institutions on June 29, 2018. With this new infrastructure we have restarted our journey to reach the untouched sections of the society and realise our vision and dreams for a brighter world for the disabled.

    • 2018-2019

    Many new admissions with total strength of 94 children, Solar Powered Digital Skills Lab, Structured Organisation with 30 Staff, Transportation Services for students, 12 Structured Programs.

    • 2020-2021

    Due to the covid-19 pandemic the school was online and much could not be achieved.

    • 2022-2023

    We got our own school bus fully sponsored by CGI Bangalore and our children came back to school after 2 long years. Our strength grew from 94 to 108 children. We also built a new classroom with the increase in number of children.